It seems well past time that I caved and made a place like this to store thoughts and resources. I'm excited to get started! I expect this site will be "under construction" for a good while, if not for its entire lifetime. This template (linked in footer!) is I think an excellent foot to start on, especially when I want most to start right away and have something up to show about it from the jump.
Pardon my dust and all that jazz. This is a very early draft! If you're reading it, hello! I'd be happy if you pointed out any mistakes. Here's the change log!
In anticipation of seeing both of these species at their most similar in basic plumage, I made a presentation out of my notes on the differences between the two!
In the future, anything not here will be linked on an Index page. For now, here's a list of (fully fledged) bird blogs I recommend.